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Verses 4:101-104

I find the description of SALAT in verses 101-104 in Surah Nisa (#4) not clear to me. I find their purpose even less clear. The main source of non-clarity is the abundant use of translator’s opinions in parenthesis. When such use of opinions is made I suspect some loss of meaning, or even its possible corruption.

It all started with my trying to understand: إِنَّ الصَّلَاةَ كَانَتْ عَلَى الْمُؤْمِنِينَ كِتَابًا مَّوْقُوتًا  . This partial verse is often cited in support of a rigid timings for Salat and their number (5) in a day. But I realize that to base the understanding on a partial verse is perhaps unsafe.  There may be additional verses on this topic but I have not seen them. So I looked at full verse and it does not add clarity to this partial quote often cited. Then I looked at the preceding and following verse it offered no further transparency. The part  إِنَّ الصَّلَاةَ كَانَتْ عَلَى الْمُؤْمِنِينَ كِتَابًا مَّوْقُوتًا seems to be standing there by itself.

These are my difficulties. If you can point to some sources that might be helpful for me.

Nasafi’s Advice for Murids (Seekers)

Nasafi’s Advice for Murids (Seekers)










See Also: 

From the conclusion of Manāzil Al-Sā’rin by Nasafi:

O Darwish!

No matter what rank of knowledge you attained, and in each and every such rank, never rely upon your mind and your acquired knowledge and do not ever dare to consider or call your Self scholar or seeker of Truth or some such lofty titles.

Do not make a new field or school of thought or do not fabricate a new sect based upon your thoughts.

In other words no matter what rank of knowledge you reached, you must imitate the Prophet and do not forsake his Shari’at (Prophetic Ways); for sure all those who invented new false-religions and misguidance they were once  the virtuous scholars who placed full trust upon their minds and knowledge; each made a new claim as the final truth and refuted others’.

With certitude you know that there is only one Truth (Haqq), consequently they cannot all be of the same truth and yet differing. Now that you know these have no truths and yet claiming the truth, therefore (learn from their mistakes) and do not rely upon your mind and your knowledge to call yourself a scholar or a seeker of truth (who has already found it), since you will be one of them.

O Darwish!

Know forsooth that calling yourself a scholar or seeker of Truth is the deception of your Nafs (Self). Do not be deceived by the Nafs (Self) and know for sure that the foundation of all misguidance is the preference of Nafs’(Self’s) desires over Allah’s Ascent (Ridha)—Allow that not!

End and Al-Hamdu (All Perpetual Praise) for the Lord of Multiverse.

خاتمۀ کتاب منازل السایرین
بسم اللّه الرحمن الرحیم
الحمدللّه رب العالمین و العاقبة للمتقّین، و الصلوة و السلام علی انبیائه و اولیائه، خیر خلقه، و علی آلهم و اصحابهم الطیّبین الطاهرین.


در بیان نصحیت
ای درویش! در علم و معرفت در هر مقامی که برسی، و در هر مقامی که باشی، باید که اعتماد بر عقل و علم خود نکنی و خود را محقّق ندانی و نام ننهی، و برای خود طریقی پیش نگیری، و باندیشۀ خود مذهبی نسازی، یعنی در علم و معرفت درهر مقامی که باشی، باید مقلّد پیغمبر خود باشی و دست از شریعت وی نداری، که جمله اهل بدعت و ضلالت فضلا و علما بودهاند که اعتماد بر علم و عقل خود کردند، و هر یک این دعوی کردند که آنچه حقّ است ما داریم، و دیگران بر باطلاند و هر یک این گفتند و میگویند که محقّقیم و دیگران در خیالاند. و ترا بیقین معلوم است که جمله بر حقّ نتوانند بود، که حقّ یکی بیش نباشد. و چون بیقین دانستی که جمله بر حقّ نیستند و جمله دعوی حقیقت میکنند، اکنون تو اگر اعتماد بر عقل وعلم خود کنی، و خود را محقّق نام نهی، یکی از آن باشی که گفته شد.
ای درویش! بیقین بدان که این غرور نفس است که میگوید که تو محقّقای، و دیگران درخیالاند. بیش غرور نفس مخور و از خیال و پندار بیرون آی و بیقین بدان که بنیاد همه گمراهی تقدیم هوای نفس است بر رضای خدای و روا مدار! و این نصیحت ازمن قبول کن، و احتیاط از دست مده، یعنی شریعت را فرو مگذار که هر کس که شریعت را فرو گذارد، البّته پشیمان شود، که «ترک الاحتیاط و الحزم سوء الظنّ». هیچ زیان نخواهد داشت، که نفس آدمی بطبع کاه است و او را بکامی باید داشت، تا بکاری مشغول شود، و اگر نه، خود را و ترا بدبخت دو جهانی کند.
تمام شد و الحمدللّه ربّ العالمین

Dara: Call your Self nothing, avoid titles, no silly gowns and robes (are you a clown?), shun the followers, spend much time with the beginners, if you do not do something do not teach it instead teach something your Self does well and frequently, focus on members of your household first and foremost and then those surrounding you, accept no salaries but if you are starving accept a meal or transportation fee, satisfy your Self with your own woman and avoid desiring those coming to you for knowledge, walk or use public transportation, live below the average of your people, dress like them and eat like them, speak when spoken to for Allah needs no scholar to teach ITs servants, give your knowledge freely, accept corrections and expect no respect or approval from people, allow no one to serve you be it a cup of coffee, spend much time with the poor, prepare your meals clean your house and shop little.

But above all keep the following Dhikr (Remembrance):

2:255. And They shall not encompass anything of ITs Knowledge except by what IT willed

وَلَا يُحِيطُونَ بِشَيْءٍ مِنْ عِلْمِهِ إِلَّا بِمَا شَاءَ

There is no one with any source of power who can snatch even tiniest knowledge from Allah, if you have knowledge it is not achieved it was an endowment from Allah.

© 2010-2002,  Dara O. Shayda

A thank-you note and a question

Salaam Sayyidi and Salaam to everyone

1.Sayyidi,last year you wrote a sentence:

“Sadly for me to be truthful is far more suited than being pious”

I could not understand it that time. Now I am beginning to see the depths of these words. All I can say is thank you.

2. It has been more than eight years I have been performing five times prayer a day.
But all these years I saw nothing.
I experienced nothing.
No sign of any Divine Ray.
All I see is my Self repeating verses of the Quran, making Dhikr, standing up,bowing down and so on.

I feel like a hypocrite, Nafs thinks that it is doing an extemely pious deed while there is no connection with Allah whatsoever.

What might the possible reason behind this? Any hint?

Response to: Anthropomorphism: The other way around

Salaam Dara

Wow it can be a shock to see how unclear one’s writing is! Apologies for that. I never intended to suggest that Allah makes anthropomorphising statements about Himself. My point was that once we understand that each of us is an aspect (and only an aspect) of the totality, we might be able to stop judging and fighting because things follow like falling dominoes.

  1. we are limited and transient and therefore not privy to God’s thought, approval, anger, etc,
  2. therefore,
  1. it is a gross impertinence to make take it upon ourselves to enforce God’s will, punish transgressions, and so forth,
  2. and furthermore,
  1. we are all one, and part of the magnificence of God’s self-reflecting creation.

As that kicks in, surely we then turn away from intolerance and instead contemplate God as we find Him all around us in the entirety of the universe. That contemplation of God was the part I had intended to connected to the Hidden Treasure hadith.


On Bismillah

Salaam Sayyidi and Salaam to everyone.

I have a question regarding Bismillah.
It is mentioned in this pattern:”Bi-Ism-Allah”(With/by/by means of Allah’s Name, Ism).
And not “Bi-Allah” (by means of/with/by/in Allah).

I would like to know about the significance of Name.

Is there answers available for the usage of this pattern?

On Qidam again

Salaam Sayyidi and Salaam everyone

Two questions arised on Qidam again.

Given that each soul in presence of Divine made decision then and there in Qidam: To love Allah, or to love other-than-Allah. And given that this life is an investigation/projection of that primordial decision,

1 . Are we going back to Qidam again?
In other words , are Qidam, Akhirah, Azal the same terms?
2. What could be the wisdom to place us in this marvellous planet earth? We could still be staying in Qidam, loving Allah or other than Allah being in there! Why this short life span upon this planet?


salaams dear dara thank you for that beautiful exposition. so it begins with nur shining upon us allowing us to turn towards Him. so in essence that is supplication turning towards the source which is already the answer to the supplication.
unfortunately many of us worship out of fear that God will not answer our prayers .yet…….The provision is not diminished by disobedience, and also not increased by good deeds, yet the forsaking of supplication is a form of disobedience! said the Prophet………..

this completely changes the perspective. of worshipping out of fear that provisions will be diminished….a real pointer alhamdullilah

thanks again