In European Thoughts of Middle Ages and even in the modern Western Thoughts of most of us, Randomness is equated with un-Godly characteristics!
In other words, Random systems are far away from any God, and concept of God cannot contain Random systems. After all God is perfect and thus anything God makes has to be perfect, orderly systems are perfect, yet Random systems are imperfect.
Western antique concept of Perfectness originates from perfectly shaped and polished structures in opulent buildings of the affluent, or posh attire perfectly garmented snugged to the shape of the body, or Consonant notes pleasing to the ears; symmetric patterns indicate Perfectness; asymmetric patterns render imperfections.
“Scheiner, a Jesuit mathematician at the university of Ingolstadt (near Augsburg), wished to preserve the perfection of the Sun and the heavens and therefore argued that sunspots were satellites of the Sun.”
To those European the concept of perfection for the Sun was that of a perfect disk or globe and therefore sunspots were troubling, if God made the Sun, then it has to be perfect since God himself is prefect, then how could there be random smudges on the surface of the Sun?
Today most of us with Western education and exposure to Western media and ideals suffer from the same antiquated concepts of Perfectness.
In all these there is a single central theme: man walks in his village, man fathoms what is perfect what is not, man imposes the concept on God and God’s creation. “God has to be like this (my idea) or God is not perfect and therefore there is no God”.
This lack of perfection has been projected into stochastic or randomized systems i.e. a deterministic system is perfect, a non-deterministic system (subject to randomness) is imperfect.
God CAN only make deterministic systems or there is no God whatsoever, non-deterministic systems are far from God.
These European thoughts have plagued even the most brilliant of their scientists:
In 1943, Einstein, in conversation with biographer William Hermann, concerning what is real and exists versus what is but mental constructs, stated the following: [2]
“Nature doesn’t know chance, it operates on mathematical principles. As I have said so many times, God doesn’t play dice with the world.”

Note the rendition: God is also white European male look alike, just a little bit bigger. Therefore it is the White European Male who determines the concepts of perfection and what is Godly and what is not and even if there is a God.
Those who have studied the Kolmogorov Complexity Theory, could rebuttal:
“ONLY God can throw a dice!”
To build a machine to throw a random dice or software algorithm to generate random number sequences is indeed an impossibly hard task, and indeed beyond our known engineering capabilities and theoretical understandings.
Random Mutations or Natural Selection are traditionally key proofs for lack of God in nature, since obviously the observed underlying processes of nature are Randomized.
However one understands that it is impossible for electro-mechanical machines designed by a human mind, without tapping into the surrounding entropy, to algorithmically generate Random systems, this Rahi (Author) extends the concept that:
“ONLY God can role a dice”
i.e. create Randoms systems.
Therefore Randomness or being non-deterministic is actually Divine, it is the artifact of a Super Being’s doings, not of a human endeavour! Therefore Random Mutations or Natural Selections are something of God’s doing, indicating the performance of a super-task by a super-being .
In 1994, Stephen Hawking, during a debate with Roger Penrose, at the Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences, University of Cambridge, about whether or not Einstein was wrong in his God does not throw dice statement, gave his opinion that:
“Consideration of black holes suggests, not only that God does play dice, but that he sometimes confuses us by throwing them where they can’t be seen.”

These are the weaknesses of thoughts in our Western education:
- Random systems are imperfect
- Deterministic systems are perfect and God only makes Deterministic systems or infer there is no God!
- Random systems are subject to probabilities and statistics, thus afar from God
- Random systems are chaotic, God and Chaos cannot mix
Remark 1: Random systems do not require a priori probabilities per Kolmogorov Complexity. The latter is an achievement in understanding Random systems free of any probability measures.
Remark 2: Chaotic system could rise from deterministic system, not all Chaotic systems are Random.
Randomness the foundation of Water-based life:
The Random jitter of water molecules in the cells of all living beings is the key source of molecular motility and energy. There is no water-based life unless there is Randomness of water molecules. The Perfectness of life has foundation on Randomness.
Randomness the foundation of Neuronal-mind:
Neuronal Noise is the very foundation of our molecular minds. The operations of our minds are not possible unless upon the Random foundation of Neuronal signals.
Randomness is the endeavour of Super Being performing Super-Tasks.
© 2016-2002, Dara O Shayda