Please see Grant’s writing and some converstions:
Please see Grant’s writing and some converstions:
By a request from Shakir Shahid:
Samā & Ardh (Sky and Earth)
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Lisan Al-Arab
Ibn Manzour Afriqi
Al-Sumu: height elevation, also in form Samaw-tu and Samai-tu (I elevated) like unto ‘Alaw-tu and ‘Alai-tu.
Samā something means to elevate something, Sām means height. Samā Bi-Hi(for something) or ‘Asmā-hu means the higher part of something. Also Samā used for nobility.
Samā towards something means raising the eyes to see something. Samā my eyes towards it means I raised my eyes to see it.
If something raised up afar to be spotted, referred to as: Samā for me something (lifted to be seen).
Samā’ something is its highest part, gendered as male.
Samā’ could also mean the ceiling for anything or the ceiling for a house.
Any ceiling-like roof-like object is also called Samā’ e.g. clouds are also Samā’.
Samā’ that is an occlusion shadowing or shading things underneath is gendered as female.
Samā’ as a ceiling or roof is gendered as male e.g.
73.18: The sky will be cleft asunder
السماءُ مُنْفَطِرٌ
It was not mentioned as Munfatira-t i.e. female.
Samā’ of sandal/shoe its top where the sole steps on.
Samā’ as something above what is underneath e.g. sky over earth called Samā’.
Plants are also called Samā’ because they were generated by the rainwater coming from sky or because plants are elevations above the ground.
Samā’ as the sky that faces the earth is gendered as female.
Samāwa-t is whatever appears and as such lofty or elevated.
Al-Ardh: The mass that faces the Samā’ (Sky). Ardhun is plural but was not used in Qur’an in plural form.
Also it is used to phrase the lowest of something, as opposed to Samā’ the highest of something.
Allah said:
57:17. Know you (plural) that Allah gives life to the Ardh after its death.
اعلموا أن الله يحيي الأرض بعد موتها
Ardh to mean corruption and ruin i.e. the lowest of life, for that matter some exegetists said the verse could also mean to soften and thus revive the hearts after they become hard (dead) .
Ardh Aridha means a patch of land with good vegetation.
Ta’radh the plants means deeply rooted into the earth.
Remark: Irfan is an unlearnt knowledge human being finds within.
Secrets of Arabic
Irfan: ‘Ism from Samā’
Noun or ‘Ism is derived from Samā i.e. something aloft whose meaning (or wording or sonification), shared by all that is found underneath it.
2:31. And (Allah) taught Adam the Names (‘Asma) of all things
وعلم آدم الأسماء كلها
Meaning Allah taught the nature/knowledge of all things to Adam, (Dara: and he had a way to sound or write in partitioned elements e.g. phones or letters, organized into names, each name as a ceiling encompassing objects which shared the same meanings)
On the same vein:
87:1. Glorify the Name (‘Ism) of your Lord, The Most-High
سبح اسم ربك الأعلى
مفردات ألفاظ القرآن. – للأصفهاني
كتاب السين
ويقال ذلك للأنواع الثلاثة المخبر عنه، والخبر عنه، والرابط بينهما المسمى بالحرف، وهذا هو المراد بالآية؛ لأن آدم عليه السلام كما علم الاسم علم الفعل، والحرف، ولا يعرف الإنسان الاسم فيكون عارف لمسماه إذا عرض عليه المسمى، إلا إذا عرف ذاته. ألا ترى أنا لو علمنا أسامي أشياء بالهندية، أو بالرومية، ولم نعرف صورة ماله تلك الأسماء لم نعرف المسميات إذا شاهدناها بمعرفتنا الأسماء المجردة، بل كنا عارفين بأصوات مجردة، فثبت أن معرفة الأسماء لا تحصل إلا بمعرفة المسمى، وحصول صورته في الضمير، فإذا المراد بقوله: {وعلم آدم الأسماء كلها} <البقرة/ 31>، الأنواع الثلاثة من الكلام وصور المسميات في ذواتها، وقوله: {وما تعبدون من دونه إلا أسماء سميتموها} <يوسف/40>، فمعناه أن الأسماء التي تذكرونها ليس لها مسميات، وإنما هي أسماء على غير مسمى إذ كان حقيقة ما يعتقدون في الأصنام بحسب تلك الأسماء غير موجود فيها، وقوله: {وجعلوا لله شركاء قل سموهم} <الرعد/33>، فليس المراد أن يذكروا أساميها نحو اللات والعزى، وإنما المعنى إظهار تحقيق ما تدعونه إلها، وأنه هل يوجد معاني تلك الأسماء فيها، ولهذا قال بعده: {أم تنبؤنه بما لا يعلم في الأرض أم بظاهر من القول} <الرعد/33>، وقوله: {تبارك اسم ربك} <الرحمن/78>، أي: البركة والنعمة الفائضة في صفاته إذا اعتبرت، وذلك نحو: الكريم والعليم والباري، والرحمن الرحيم، وقال: {سبح اسم ربك الأعلى} <الأعلى/1>، {ولله الأسماء الحسنى} <الأعراف/180>، وقوله: {اسمه يحي لم نجعل له من قبل سميا} <مريم/7>، {ليسمون الملائكة تسمية الأنثى} <النجم/27>، أي: يقولون للملائكة بنات الله، وقوله: {هل تعلم له سميا} <مريم /65>، أي: نظيرا له يستحق اسمه، وموصوفا يستحق صفته على التحقيق، وليس المعنى هل تجد من يتسمى باسمه إذ كان كثير من أسمائه قد يطلق على غيره، لكن ليس معناه إذا استعمل فيه كما كان معناه إذا استعمل في غيره
Irfan: Ardh
This is a technique discovered by Damghani who cognizes the meanings of a particular and generally used word by the context(s) in many verses:
Dictionary of Qur’an
Ardh means the Gardens (Paradise):
21:105. Before this We wrote in the Psalms (Zabour), after the Message (given to Moses): My servants the righteous, shall inherit the earth (Ardh).”
39:74 They will say: “Praise be to Allah, Who has truly fulfilled His Promise to us, and has given us (this) land (Ardh) in heritage: We can dwell in the Garden as we will: how excellent a reward for those who work (righteousness)!”
Ardh also means the Sacred House i.e. Bait Al-Muqaddas in Sham Jordan or Palestine region:
7:137 And We made a people, considered weak (and of no account), inheritors of land (Ardh) in both east and west, – lands whereon We sent down Our blessings.
Ardh also means the city of Madina:
29:56 O My servants who believe! truly, spacious is My Land (Ardh): therefore serve ye Me – (and Me alone)!
Ardh also means Makka:
13:41 See they not that We gradually reduce the land (Ardh) from its outlying borders? (Where) Allah commands, there is none to put back His Command: and He is swift in calling to account.
Ardh also means Egypt:
12:55 (Joseph) said: “Set me over the store-houses of the land: I will indeed guard them, as one that knows (their importance).”
Ardh also means the land of peace or Al-Islam:
18:94 They said: “O Zul-qarnain! the Gog and Magog (People) do great mischief on land (Ardh): shall we then render thee tribute in order that thou mightest erect a barrier between us and them?
Ardh means all the land on the planet of Earth:
11:6 There is no moving creature on earth but its sustenance dependeth on Allah. He knoweth the time and place of its definite abode and its temporary deposit: All is in a clear Record.
Ardh also means grave:
4:42 On that day those who reject Faith and disobey the apostle will wish that the land (Ardh) Were made one with them: But never will they hide a single fact from Allah.
Ardh also means a desolate region people get lost in:
5:26 Allah said: “Therefore will the land be out of their reach for forty years: In distraction will they wander through the land (Ardh): But sorrow thou not over these rebellious people.
Ardh means the place where the Judgement Day occurs:
39:69 And the land (Ardh) will shine with the Glory of its Lord: the Record (of Deeds) will be placed (open); the prophets and the witnesses will be brought forward and a just decision pronounced between them; and they will not be wronged (in the least).
Ardh also means heart:
13:17 He sends down water from the skies, and the channels flow, each according to its measure: But the torrent bears away to foam that mounts up to the surface. Even so, from that (ore) which they heat in the fire, to make ornaments or utensils therewith, there is a scum likewise. Thus doth Allah (by parables) show forth Truth and Vanity. For the scum disappears like froth cast out; while that which is for the good of mankind remains on the land (Ardh). Thus doth Allah set forth parables.
Ardh also means the place of passing or dying:
31:34 Verily the knowledge of the Hour is with Allah (alone). It is He Who sends down rain, and He Who knows what is in the wombs. Nor does any one know what it is that he will earn on the morrow: Nor does any one know in what land (Ardh)he is to die. Verily with Allah is full knowledge and He is acquainted (with all things).
© 2014-2002, Dara O Shayda
In Quran,the words ‘sama’ and ‘ardh’ have been used multiple times.
The common translation of these two words:
Sama= Sky
Ardh= Planet Earth.
I look forward for your kind information on the detailed meaning of these words.