The Fard (Solitary)

The Fard (Solitary)

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It is reported that, the Messenger of Allah, Peace and Blessings upon him, while walking, encountered Abu Dhar. He said to him: “Poor Abu Dhar, walking by himself; he is a solitary, alone in heaven, and a solitary, alone on earth; the ultimate solitary. The Prophet then said: “O Abu Dhar, Allah is Beautiful and Hu/He loves Beauty. O Abu Dhar, do you know what my concern and my preoccupation are and to what my yearning is?”. His companions said : “Inform us of your concern and of your preoccupation, O Messenger of Allah!”. He responded: “How I yearn to meet my brothers who will come after me!” Those who are equal to the Prophets in their rank and are for Allah in the status of martyrs; they flee from father, mother and sibling desiring only the pleasure of Allah the most High. They leave wealth and debase their Self with humility, having no wish for the desires and the bounties of al-Dunya. They meet in one of the houses of Allah aggrieved and saddened out of love for Allah. Their hearts are for Allah, their soul from Allah and their knowledge for the sake of Allah. If one of them should fall ill, it is of more value than the worship of one whole year. And I can tell you more if you like, O Abu Dhar ! Who responded : “Yes! O messenger of Allah” He then continued : “If one of them should be bothered by a louse in his clothes, his reward by Allah is that of seventy Hajj and conquests and that of having freed forty slaves of the children of Ismael, who count each as twelve thousand men. And I can tell you more if you like, O Abu Dhar!” Who responded : “Yes! O messenger of Allah” He then continued: ” When one of them remembers his family and becomes aggrieved, each breath that he takes is counted for him as (an elevation of) a thousand thousands ranks. I can tell you more, if you wish, O Abu Dhar! Who responded : “Yes! O messenger of Allah” He then continued: “That one of them prays with his companions two ruk’a (Bow) to Allah Almighty is more valuable to Allah than the worship of another man who has worshiped Allah in the Mountain of Lebanon for as long as the thousand years which Noah lived. I can tell you more, if you wish, O Abu Dhar !” Who responded : “Yes! O messenger of Allah” He then continued: “That one of them should glorify Allah once is better for him on the Day of Resurrection than if he should walk with the mountains of al-Dunya in gold. I can tell you more, if you wish, O Abu Dhar!” Who responded : “Yes! O messenger of Allah” He then continued: “A glance at one of them is lovelier than a glance at the House of Allah Almighty and whoever looks at one of them, it is as if he is looking at Allah Almighty; and whoever pleases one of them, it is as if he has pleased Allah Almighty; and whoever feeds one of them, it is as if he has fed Allah Almighty. I can tell you more, if you wish, O Abu Dhar !” Who responded : “Yes! O messenger of Allah” He then continued: “People who are tenacious (sinners), burdened by sins sit with them;  by the time they leave them, Allah Almighty has looked at them and forgiven them their sins because of the favors of the Solitaries by Allah Almighty. Their laughter is worship O Abu Dhar, their fun is glorification and their sleep charity. Every day, Allah Almighty looks at them seventy times. I can tell you more, if you wish, O Abu Dhar !” Who responded : “Yes! O messenger of Allah” He then continued: “O Abu Dhar ! I yearn so much for them!”.

The Messenger of Allah bent his head for a long while then lifted it and cried until his eyes were full of tears : “O how I yearn to meet them ! O my Allah! guard them and make them victorious over those who oppose them and refresh my eye with their sight on the Day of Resurrection.” He then recited: “Behold! verily on the friends of Allah there is no fear, nor shall they grieve” (Surat Yunus 10: 62).

Allah the Supreme stated the Truth and so did his Noble Messenger.

روى أن رسول الله صلَى عليه و سلَم رأى يوماً اباذر يمشى. فقال: مسكينٌ ابوذر يمشى وحده و هو فى السَماْ فردٌ و ابوذر فى الأرض فردٌ, كن فرد الفرد. ثمَ قال: يا اباذر إنَ الله جميلٌ يحبُ الجمال, يا اباذر أتدرى ما غمى و فكرى و الى أيِ شىء إشتياقى؟ فقال أصحابه: أخبرنا يا رسول الله, بغمِك و فكرتك؟ قال له: واشوقاه الى لقاء إخوانى يكونون من بعدى! شأنهم شأن الأنبياْ و هم عند الله و بمنزلة الشهداْ يفرُون من الآباء و الأمَهات و الأخوة إبتغاء مرضاة الله تعالى, و هم يتركون المال و يذلون انفسهم بالتواضع. لا يرغبون فى الشَهوات و فضول الدُنيا. يجتمعون فى بيتٍ من بيوت الله مغمومين محزونين من حبِ الله. قلوبهم الى الله و روحهم من الله و علمهم للله. إذا مرض واحدٌ منهم هو أفضل من عبادة سنةٍ. و إن شئت ازيدك يا اباذر. قال: قلت: بلى يا رسول الله, قال: الواحد منهم يؤذيه قملةٌ فى ثيابه فله عند الله أجر سبعين حجّةً و غزوةً و كان له أجر عتق أربعين رقبةً من ولد إسمعيل و كل واحدٍ منهم باثنى عشر ألفاً. و إن شئت أزيدك يا اباذر. قال: قلت: بلى يا رسول الله. قال: الواحدُ منهم يذكر أهله ُ ثمََََ يغتمُ يُكتَب له بكلِ نَفَسٍ ألف ألف درجةٍ. و إن شئت أزيدك يا اباذر. قال: قلت: بلى يا رسول الله. قال: الواحدُ منهم يُصلي ركعتين في أصحابه أفضل عند الله تعالى من رجلٍ يعبد الله تعالى في جبل لبنان مثلَ عمر نوح ألف سنةٍ. و إن شئت أزيدك يا اباذر. قال: قلت: بلى يا رسول الله. قال: الواحد منهم يسبِح تسبيحة خيرٌ له يوم القيامة من أن يسير معه جبال الدنيا ذهباً. و إن شئت أزيدك يا اباذر. قال: قلت: بلى يا رسول الله. قال: نظْرةً تنظر إلى أحدهم أحبُ إلى الهر من نظرةٍ إلى بيت الله تعالى, و من نظر إليه فكأنَما ينظر إلى الله تعالى, و من سَرَه فكأنَما سَرَ الله تعالى, و من أطعمه فكأنَما أطعم الله تعالى. و إن شئت أزيدك يا اباذر. قال: قلت: بلى يا رسول الله. قال: يجلس إليهم قومٌ مصرِين مثقلين من الذنوب لا يقومون من عندهم حتى ينظر الله إليهم و يغفر لهم ذنوبهم لكرامتهم على الله تعالى. يا اباذر ضحكهم عبادةٌ و مزاحهم تسبيحُ و نومهم صدقةٌ. ينظر الله تعالى إاليهم فى كلِ يومٍ سبعين مرَةً. يا ابا ذر إنى إليهم مشتاقٌ. ثمَ أطرق رأسه ملياً, ثمَ رفع رأسه و بكى حتى دمعت عيناه فقال له: واشوقاة إلى لقائهم! و يقول صلى الله عليه و آله و سلم: اللهم احفظهم و انصرهم علي من خالفهم و اقرَ عينى بهم يوم القيامة. ثم قرأ: ألا إنَ أولياْ الله لا خوف عليهم و لا هم يحزنون. صدق الله العظيم و صدق رسوله الكريم

مرآة الافراد
The Mirror of the Solitaries
Letter 1
By Pir Jamaled-Din Ardestani
This narration is found in Tamhidāt but the origins of it cannot be found in regular books of Hadith (Prophetic Narration).
India Office Library & Records
Ref: Per IO 3866a

Publisher (Tehran Iran):
انتشارات زوار
Researched and Edited by Hassan Anisi-Pour (PhD)

© 2007-2002, Hind Rifai M.D. , Dara O. Shayda