All posts by whisper2045

Verses 4:101-104

I find the description of SALAT in verses 101-104 in Surah Nisa (#4) not clear to me. I find their purpose even less clear. The main source of non-clarity is the abundant use of translator’s opinions in parenthesis. When such use of opinions is made I suspect some loss of meaning, or even its possible corruption.

It all started with my trying to understand: إِنَّ الصَّلَاةَ كَانَتْ عَلَى الْمُؤْمِنِينَ كِتَابًا مَّوْقُوتًا  . This partial verse is often cited in support of a rigid timings for Salat and their number (5) in a day. But I realize that to base the understanding on a partial verse is perhaps unsafe.  There may be additional verses on this topic but I have not seen them. So I looked at full verse and it does not add clarity to this partial quote often cited. Then I looked at the preceding and following verse it offered no further transparency. The part  إِنَّ الصَّلَاةَ كَانَتْ عَلَى الْمُؤْمِنِينَ كِتَابًا مَّوْقُوتًا seems to be standing there by itself.

These are my difficulties. If you can point to some sources that might be helpful for me.

Ruh and Quran 13:15


We are told that we have a Ruh. If we were not so told, how could we have discovered that we have a Ruh? In other words, what are some observable attributes of Ruh that would have led us to know that we have a Ruh? The question arose in my mind because I was thinking of an “architecture” of how man is made and how he fits into the universe. Then the question arose in my mind if Ruh should be a part of this architecture (the word used in an engineering sense). I could not settle this issue in my mind.

The “architecture” question I am working on assumes an “Equivalence Principle”. It states that the spiritual world and the physical world are shadows of each other. Further more the object and the shadow are completely equivalent to each other. I originally came up with this thought from Quran 13:15. But now that I look back, what I did ( to conclude equivalence principle from Quran 13:15) seems very heuristic, even less firm than heuristic. So before proceeding with the architecture question I am also perturbed by my doubt about the validity of an Equivalence Principle. May be a detailed explanation and understanding of Quran 13:15 will help me. I will look forward to some help for understanding 13:15.

Note: When I go to    I do not see a tab to login.

ZikrAllah and Ibadah

Salam Sayyadi Dara, May Allah always keep you under the shadow of His love.
I was wondering about the meaning of Zikr-Allah, the remembrance of Allah. What does it mean in the Quranic sense and Sunnah sense? How do we do it? I have been told to repeat certain names of Allah or certain Ayahs from Quran. Is that the recommended way for Zikr?
I also sometimes wonder about the meaning of Ibadah. What does it mean in Quranic sense, and Sunnah sense? How do we do it? I have been told to do the ritual Salah in large number of Rakah. Is that the preferred way to do Ibadah?