Salaam & Whisper wrote:
2. I have always wondered about the Hadith “kunto kanzan makhfian …” and tried to look some Hadith references where it is narrated. I do not know its origin as a reliable Hadith. I will appreciate if someone shares this knowledge.
3. Same for the Hadith that says: man arafah nafsohu fqad arafa rabbohu. I would appreciate knowing its standing as a reliable Hadith.
They are not established, with 100% assurance , that they are the sayings of the Prophet peace be upon him. Nor are many other statements you are being told are 100% from the Prophet. All and all, they are subject to the same rules of probabilities. So these two sayings are questioned by some to be of Prophetic origins.
Whisper worte:
4. When Allah talks about Himself to men, for example calling Itself a light, or referring to His appearance to Moses, or refering to Its Hands etc. In my very humble and admittedly very limited understanding, that description too, as a matter of contextual necessity, has an element of Anthropomorphism. Quran in my understanding refers to this possibility by declaring: latha kmislehi sha’an. In this situation all declarations about Allah become Anthropomorphic because of the contextual limitations that are necessarily present for all such declarations.
My meaning was:
Anthropomorphism of Allah by Allah is the Truth, Anthropomorphism of Allah by human beings is falsehood.
Anthropomorphism of Allah by Allah is the Haqiqa i.e. the Reality of how Allah is understood by us and others in cosmos, it is the way our minds work and our language formalizes and expresses.